My name is Matt Numrich and I've dedicated the last 20 years and about 30,000 teaching hours to showing people how they can defend themselves against anyone, in any situation.
I was trained and received the highest certification in Bruce Lee's art of Jeet Kune Do in addition to my certification in Krav Maga. With my father being a police officer I had other cops needing fast skills in a very short amount of time.
It forced me to not only strip what I learned down the essentials, which are the super simple techniques even 7 year old girls could do, but to find teaching methods which cut learning time down to a fraction of what you would expect. That is why you don't need years training in a dojo, hours upon hours each week training or fancy moves, equipment or black belts.
Teaching in my multi location martial arts academies for over 20 years, I found out most of my student were not street brawlers, trained competitors or elite soldiers. Most fell into three categories. Which do you fall into?
A. People who had no experience what so ever.
B. Guys who took traditional arts, and found out the style was painfully outdated.
C. MMA students (many law enforcement) who embarrassingly learned the hard way that the ring and street are completely different mind sets and strategy methods.
You see in my school, "Ultimate Fighter" guys and past traditional art students verified what I'd been teaching all along. You must have a rock solid, simple game plan for all 5 areas of combat! Plus, law enforcement presented a great opportunity where I had these guys out in the trenches, learning moves one night, and performing them the next night. Over time I had military, the ATF (US Dept. of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) and US Air Marshals knocking on my door to do the same. It forced me to make sure what I taught worked, but could also be learned fast.
If you didn't get a chance to learn how to defend yourself as kids, it wasn't your fault your parents didn't think knowing how to protect yourself was important. If you did get to attend self-defense classes as kids or adults, it wasn't your fault that you learned moves which didn't work, and worse, probably took months or years to learn. My point is that whether you are a "clean slate" or have some experience, I can bring you up to an elite fighter status very quickly!
These guys took part in the instruction I taught just for people like you. Now, for some reason, if you've read this far and you are a:
- Special Forces Solider
- Elite Law Enforcement Officer
- Experienced Martial Arts or Self-Defense Practitioner of 25+ years, with training in multiple arts
These DVDs weren't developed for you, it was developed for:
- Beginners, with little or no experience
- Guys who don't have much time to train
- People who tried out traditional and "UFC" styles and realized how different the street really is
- Those who are fat or at least out of shape and
- Have that little voice in the back of their head validating they don't have what they need to protect themselves or others in a violent attack… just like the people you heard from above.
- People who lack the confidence or could not protect their family
Luckily, my students took part in my program, and got what they needed and wanted in self-defense and personal protection, with minimal training time… but for a big price.
That is why YOU are the true lucky one. Those above and thousands of others have paid well over $1,000 for the same training you can get for a very low price. I'm actually going to mail you 3 DVD's for no charge, you just have to cover shipping and handling costs.
Back in 1998 I set out to share this knowledge with all of my students. VHS was on it way out, and DVD was just in the beginning stages, as only big Hollywood studios were making them. I was sick how traditional schools were scamming people to have them think what they taught would really protect them out in the streets. MMA was in its infant stages, but everyone thought it was "the style" to learn to be a tough guy.
Therefore, I threw my tax return money (which didn't make my wife too happy at the time, as we were broke), into producing these DVDs which would get the word out. The information we put on them was rare, and it really launched my career, soon having law enforcement, combat experts and security professionals knocking down my door.
I want these "old school" DVD's to do the same for you. I want them to be the first step in your transformation. From little/no confidence to knowing the secrets of how to take out anyone who harms you or your family.
You see, what makes this different is that it provides you with a simple VERY SPECIFIC Game Plan of what to do in EVERY area of self-defense, and then gives you the tools to execute that Game Plan.
"The Flow" DVD which you'll get as part of the low priced DVDs I'll mail you shows not only each of these "Game Plans", but what Traditional Martial Artists never got, and MMA is still stopping short of.
Most programs only focus on one or two ranges, and show off by overloading you with mounds of mounds of unrealistic techniques.
Not mine. We take you step by step through every area of self-defense where we progressively train you, support you and help you become a Fearless Fighter!
As time pasted, my schools (which grew into multiple locations) exploded and more and more students poured into my schools, I fined tuned everything we made on the DVDs and upgraded the program to an incredible self-defense training system.

Only $299
Easy yet Effective
Well, there were many things that I liked about the program! I like that fact that it's easy yet very effective. Most of what we learn in Special Forces is more defensive, and you can't spar with it. Sifu Matt's program gives you everything! - Joe Dulmage, Special Forces Solider
Extremely Satisfied
I would like to add that I am extremely satisfied the quality of the program… very pleased with the overall experience. You run a very good business and I am glad to be part of it. - Steve Munerantz, 27
It was good to touch base with you yesterday. I was just talking with my wife yesterday at how thankful I was to have encountered certain people who have influenced me in a positive and profound way, such as my father, a few important Football coaches, and of course Sifu Master Numrich. Seriously, credit is due where credit is deserved. Thanks for all of your teachings and friendship, as it has been such a positive force in my life. Not to mention the confidence that I have IF I ever get in to a physical confrontation with someone…..let's just say that I Pity the fool who messes with the Stallion! Seriously, I just wanted to thank you again, as I don't forget important things, and it is all much appreciated! - Mark, Home Inspector and MMA Competitor
More challenging than expected
Awesome program! I wasn't sure what to expect but it met and exceeded what I wished to get out of it. It was more challenging than I expected… and I expected it to be very challenging!!! - Eric Peterson, Veterinarian Assistant
Totally worth it
Hey everybody. I just wanted to say this program really works. I have only been taking this program for one month and I feel I have already learned a lot. It was one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever experienced. If I could take a test with only one month's worth of experience, I feel like I can do anything. This has been totally worth it. Thanks for everything. - Reinier Marfil
A humbling experience
I would have to call the program a very humbling experience. The people are great and I'm really enjoying it. - Rob Lowery
The lesson was excellent, it helped to review, a few things I think I saw and some feedback from you. Great job and excellent program! - Jim Kennon, 63, Financial Planner
No regrets
Everything is going great. The lessons are what I was hoping for and more. So I am very pleased with my decision to buy your program. - Jose Mata, Manager
Felt comfortable even though I'm still very new
It was a great experience Matt. I felt very comfortable even though I'm still very new. I particularly enjoyed the way the info is presented. - Mike Baldwin, Business Owner
Worth more than people pay for it
The training is worth more than people pay for it, and is the most practical self defense I have seen. I would recommend it to anyone. - Sam Louflen, student
Tons of great information
Just wanted to say I had a great time. Learned a lot of great information. I wished i had known the curriculum ten years ago, when i was working as bartender at a local pool hall in the city. But that's another story. Once again thank you for the opportunity to learn this information. - Marc Johnson, bouncer
This guy threw 6 punches and never made contact
Matt, I got in an altercation with an aggressive guest last night at my restaurant. This guy had about 60lbs on me and was 6 feet tall compared to my 5′ 6″. Thanks to you, this guy threw 6 punches which never made contact. It took 15 to 20 seconds and the fight was over. I can tell you that this guy had no clue what happened to him. - Walter G. Paiz, Restaurant Manager
End any altercation quickly
Sifu Matt is straight to the point for law enforcement and civilians alike, allowing anyone to end any altercation quickly. - Jason Kohl, Police Officer
My life has totally changed
My life has totally changed. You have helped me with my self-confidence & self-awareness. Thanks for being such a positive person in my life. - Carrie Connors, Teacher
Price is unbeatable
The instruction is of the highest quality, and the price is unbeatable in comparison to other programs. - Jake Nuesser, 28, Graphic Artist
Exceeded my expectations
I strongly believe every woman should know how to protect herself. Training through Elite Defense Systems helped me gain the physical skills of self-defense along with the mental attributes to avoid conflict. The classes are taught in a fun, informative and non threatening environment by instructors who's knowledge and skill level exceeded my expectations. - Susan Mueller, Mother